Fuel for Focus and Fitness: Exploring Prebiotics’ Role in Athletic and Mental Performance​

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Our Fuel for Focus and Fitness: Exploring Prebiotics’ Role in Athletic and Mental Performance Webinar is brought to you by the Global Prebiotics Association in efforts to advance knowledge and foster innovation in the prebiotic space.

Joined by Dr. Renee Korczak Ph.D., RDN, CSSD, LD, and Dr. Neil C. Williams, MSc, PhD, SENR, this webinar provides a deep dive into prebiotics’ transformative potential, with a special focus on athletes, active individuals and weekend worriers looking to achieve peak performance.

Meet Our Speakers:

Len Monheit

Len Monheit

Executive Director, Global Prebiotic Association, CEO, Industry Transparency Center

Content Director and Moderator

Steve Imgrund

Communications Director, Global Prebiotic Association

Prebiotics Big Picture - Beyond Sports Performance

Dr. Neil C. Williams, MSc, PhD, SENR

Senior Lecturer in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition

Targeting the Gut and its Resident Microbes to Support Athlete Health

Dr. Renee Korczak Ph.D., RDN, CSSD, LD

Nutrition Consultant | Registered Dietitian | Gut Health Expert | Scientific Communications & Education | Media Spokesperson | Scientific Speaker | Research Advisor

Intersection of Sports Nutrition and Gut Health, Prebiotics

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